Hi, my name’s Aizquel Labarca but everybody calls me aizquelito or feferefe, i´m from Maracaibo, Venezuela I live in la limpia , i´m 20 years old an I study engineering at urbe, my favorite subject are English, mathematics, and geometry .
I love the music, playing paintball and softball surfing the net, chating with friends talking on the phone
I hate onions, the noise, getting up early everyday.
My dream is to travel around the world, visit the coliseum of Roma, the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Of course, I want to graduate from Engineering School and be a good engineer. I also want to learn to speak French, Germany, and Italian. I’d love to work in an important company and buy a house, get married and start a family.
My opinion about English …….
Is very important to find jobs in a big company, and travel around the world, is important to communicate with people in other countries.
I love the music, playing paintball and softball surfing the net, chating with friends talking on the phone
I hate onions, the noise, getting up early everyday.
My dream is to travel around the world, visit the coliseum of Roma, the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Of course, I want to graduate from Engineering School and be a good engineer. I also want to learn to speak French, Germany, and Italian. I’d love to work in an important company and buy a house, get married and start a family.
My opinion about English …….
Is very important to find jobs in a big company, and travel around the world, is important to communicate with people in other countries.
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